How We Work From Home & Our Home Office Tour

This is definitely a timely post, as most of you are transitioning into work life at home and trying to find that groove. 

Jamie & I have wanted to post a little workspace/office tour for a while now, so we thought it would be perfect to also chat about how we work from home and stay productive!

Working from home for a few years now we’ve learned the best ways we work and some useful tips along the way!

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“Getting ready” for the day. Even if that is just putting a comb through your hair, brushing your teeth and changing out of your night PJ’s into cuter day PJs.. THAT’S OKAY. Any form of ‘getting ready’ for the day helps put you into the mindset that you’re going to ‘doing something’. For me (Erin) I have noticed a world of difference in my motivation levels when I make myself ‘presentable’ even though I am literally walking across the bedroom hall to get to my office.  



We have found creating a “schedule” and writing small manageable daily to-do lists have helped us stay productive. Seems obvious... I know but having these things written out helps us stay accountable. Even if your day-to-day will look a little different, creating a schedule for yourself at the beginning of the week will help set yourself up for success. Be flexible with your schedule (give yourself buffer time!) 

We both set up our tasks or to-do list as small, manageable lists. For example: writing out a list of 3 things you want to accomplish each day. You can add less or more tasks. We order it so the first task is the biggest or most tedious item, and oh man once you get that one done everything else seems to feel like a breeze. When we’re feeling particularly overwhelmed, anxious or really not in the mood to do something work-related (and hey I bet a lot of you are feeling like that these days.) We find this helps.


Find the time that works the best for you! Not all of us are productive between the hours of 9-5. If you have the benefit of setting up your own “work times” for the day. Finding the times you're most productive is KEY. For example, If you like to sleep in until 10am and start your workday by 11, DO IT. If you find you’re more productive after 7pm, WORK WITH IT. For me (Erin) I am a morning person. I like to be up and tackling my day while the sun is still waking up and the coffee is still hot. The more I can accomplish before noon, the better I feel!! Trying to do work after 2PM is like pulling teeth.  For me (Jamie) I am definitely a night owl and I can’t for the life of me wake up super early and get right to work. Obviously I can force myself to wake up super early but you aren’t going to like that version of me. I find my best hours are 10-3pm and then 7-10pm. Oftentimes I work late at night because that’s when I find I have the most energy.


Take breaks! Plain and simple. These should be built into your schedule. Get up, walk around, stretch, have a dance party, go grab some water or fresh coffee. Just TAKE A BREAK!



We both love having a clean work space and find it helps us to feel calm before we start working! We’re both in the habit of tidying our desks and cleaning off our monitors before we start working or editing. [This has probably happened to many other photographers.. but how many times you tried to clone stamp out something out of a photo until 5 mins later you realized that something isn’t in the photo at all- it’s dust on your monitor. OPPS!]

To add to our ideal work space, we are always equipped with a fresh cup of coffee, water, a snack, some good mellow tunes or a podcast and of course… our fave Saje rollers. 

Our favourite ways to relax & refocus at our desks:

  • Try this “Saje breath” to refocus!  (not sponsored.. Just honestly obsessed with Saje products…)

  • Take a couple of deep inhales and listen to a 5 min productivity meditation. Jamie suggests; A meditation called Mentalfloss: ‘Be more productive’ By Richard Scott. “This takes 5 mins total and helps me more present and willing to do whatever that hard task was that was on my to-do list. (A difficult email, phone call, writing, taxes!.)”

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Change up WHERE you are working from time to time. If you start to feel like you’re losing motivation. Change the location you’re working in! I will change from my office to my kitchen table and as I am writing this I am sitting in the sunshine on my front porch! Jamie & I are also both frequent local coffee shops as a way to get out and get inspired! Having that slight change in scenery can boost your motivation and refocus you! Side note: We know we can’t go to coffee shops right now but even try to work on your front step and make sure to smile and wave to your neighbors!! That small human interaction makes a world of difference for you and the other person. 


Y’all are majestic creatures… and you’re killing it! THIS SHIT AINT EASY!!  I (Erin) went back to working when Tay was 6 months old. I was so ready and excited and I was BEYOND optimistic about how things would go. I look back and LAUGH at myself for thinking I could get away with “setting up a little play area for him in my office”. Every day will look slightly different. Especially when it comes to your energy levels. There will always be nap times that you’ve scheduled work for but you want a nap yourself. There will always be ONE MORE EMAIL you try and squeeze in before the baby wakes up. There really is no secret answer to balancing mom life and work life… [I mean except daycare… but that isn't always feasible for us smaller business owners.] What I have found lately that has worked amazingly for me (and it might even change by next week) is setting up my schedule for the week ahead and time blocking out my calendar. I look at the week ahead, account for everything on my ‘To do’ list and spread it out so as to not overwhelm myself. I timeblock everything down to meal times, writing emails, etc.I schedule 90% of my work for the day during naptime -- prioritizing it like we listed above! And whatever I cannot finish during naptime, I tackle in the evening once my husband is home. Also a bonus if I finish all my work during naptime… I CAN RELAX!

My whole goal with time blocking my work for the week is knowing ahead of time my “scheduled” work time - allowing myself to be present when Tay is awake and allowing myself to put my phone down, shut my laptop and mentally check out of work during that time. 

The biggest thing I have learned to do is give myself grace when I can’t complete EVERYTHING on my list for the day. Like I said… working from home with a toddler.. IS NOT EASY. & momma, we’re only human!  

We hope that everyone finds there at home work groove & enjoys working from home as much as we do!

Now for a glimpse at our home offices!!


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A special thanks to our awesome instagram Husbands for snapping a few photos with us in them!!!

Hello Lovely